Get the maximum performance from your holiday home
We offer a wide range of services designed to provide you with efficient full-service management of your tourist apartment. Our philosophy is based on trust, transparency, and personalized attention —values that will accompany you throughout the entire process.
Property analysis
We prepare an initial activity report that includes a thorough analysis of the property, highlighting both its strengths and weaknesses to provide an overall assessment with improvement suggestions.
PLACID website and social media listing
We enhance the visibility of your property by publishing it on the PLACID website and social media channels, aiming to make it stand out and attract a broader audience.
Listing on more than 45 portals
We give your property visibility on the most important tourist portals in the market, increasing the likelihood of receiving bookings. We currently collaborate with over 45 online travel agencies.
Booking management
We handle tasks associated with booking management, tracking payments, ensuring proper assignment, and controlling the availability of apartments.
Financial management
We manage payments for stays, tourist taxes, and guest deposits, as well as the financial management of invoices and related settlements. Additionally, we provide a detailed periodic performance report.
Guest registration
We register travelers as required by law, collecting necessary data and sending it to the relevant police authorities within 24 hours of guest check-in.

Additional services* to maximize your property’s potential:
* PLACID provides free advisory, management, and/or finding providers for these services. The costs of hiring external labor, materials, etc. are under the responsibility of the property owner.
Do you want to know the performance of your apartment?
Are you looking for someone reliable to manage your holiday rental?
Confia en PLACID i no te’n penediràs. Perquè t’oferim una proposta de valor única que et permet maximitzar la rendibilitat de la teva inversió, i alhora aconseguir majors índexs d’ocupació i alliberar-te de l’estrès de la gestió diària. Descobreix els beneficis de treballar amb nosaltres i deixa el teu apartament vacacional en les millors mans.








Peace of Mind

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Why Put Your Property in the Hands of a Holiday Rental Management Company?

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Join PLACID to get the most out of your property
Full-service management of your tourist accommodation with no worries —we take care everything and our only goal is to maximize the benefits of your holiday home.